Mr. Bush now has the power to deliver Justice to terrorists by allowing the secret CIA system of prisons and torture to continue:
I was curious about what justice means Dictionary.com defines justice as follows:
jus‧tice [juhs-tis]
Ânoun 1. the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness: to uphold the justice of a cause.
2. rightfulness or lawfulness, as of a claim or title; justness of ground or reason: to complain with justice.
3. the moral principle determining just conduct.
4. conformity to this principle, as manifested in conduct; just conduct, dealing, or treatment.
5. the administering of deserved punishment or reward.
6. the maintenance or administration of what is just by law, as by judicial or other proceedings: a court of justice.
7. judgment of persons or causes by judicial process: to administer justice in a community.
8. a judicial officer; a judge or magistrate.
9. (initial capital letter) Also called Justice Department. the Department of Justice.
ÂIdioms10. bring to justice, to cause to come before a court for trial or to receive punishment for one's misdeeds: The murderer was brought to justice.
Clearly if you make the rules you can ensure that you meet the definition as detailed in example 6. Of course America has long presented itself as a beacon of human rights and access to courts, this law does nothing but limit the access of these defendants to the courts and enable the government to practice questionable methods of interogation. (the removal of habeas corpus)
Mr. Bush explains that this law makes his previously illegal military commisions legal since they are now authorized by congress. Of course the defendants must first survive the justice of the CIA's prison system. But hey we are America we don't torture prisoners, or kill them in the name of freedom.
For Mr. Bush's complete speech at the signing click here
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